Monday, 19 November 2012


Be happy, young man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.  Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgement.  So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body... 
Ecclesiastes 11:9,10a


As a dad I'm always looking to encourage my children and especially from the word of God.  There are so many sources from which the world will try to influence youth.  Of course it's all from a humanistic and self centered perspective.  All of it of course is indulgence without consequences and in the computer/ virtual world you get as many lives as you want or can afford to purchase.  Not so however in real life.

Happiness and Fun

These are not bad words for Christians to say, emotions to have or activities to do.  Happiness and fun don't only belong to the world, it originated with God by design, but with boundaries.  What do you mean Jeff?  Can I sing and dance, play sports, and really do what Iwant to do?  YES, you can and more because your creator expects you to.  That is why He recorded these words for us.  It's healthy, creative, life giving and all inclusive.  Just like music and laughter everyone knows what happiness and fun looks like: smiles, bright eyes, a nodding head, hugs and high fives for example.


There are boundaries as with everything in life.  If you're going to drive a car on a roadway you must have a valid drivers licence, insurance and so on.  If you want to practice medicine you must study and pass medical school before you're allowed to operate on a person.  If you choose to not follow these rules the courts have jail sentences for those who drive without following the rules like drinking and driving and likewise with anyone who practices medicine.  As a dental hygienist I can only practice in the province where I have studied and been licenced or I risk a hefty fine, possible jail time and if I'm a repeat offender loss of my licence.

So it is with us and God, as we have fun we're to ensure that we're not endangering anyone's life or property in the name of fun because ...know that for all these things God will bring you to judgement.  And that is ok because He wants us to be safe while we are enjoying our lives on the earth that He created.

Get Going

So what is in your heart to do?:
  • painting
  • music
  • travelling
  • sports
  • racing
  • cooking
  • music
Our children are only limited by their creativity and willingness to get involved and try.

Parents encourage your kids to reach for the stars, to dream and create beyond what you were able to. Even get involved in what they are doing.  I'm certain that God is in there with them.

God bless you as you do, Jeff

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