Monday, 19 November 2012

God is With You, Have Courage

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. 
Joshua 1:9 NIV

Ever feel like you've been given more than you can handle?  Does the pressures of responsibility cause you to lose heart, to want to cut and run instead of standing strong?

Joshua had some pretty big shoes to fill.  His leader and master Moses was just buried and mourned over by the whole nation of Israel.  Moses had performed wonders and miraculous signs to Pharaoh and the whole land of Egypt to lead the Israelites out of slavery and into the promised land.  In fact we're told no one has ever performed the awesome deeds that Moses had.  Now Joshua has to pick up where Moses has left off.

I have six children.  Five of them live with their mother in Canada and my oldest son lives with me in South Africa.  I just remarried after being alone and divorced for seven years to a lady who also has been alone and divorced for fourteen years with two older children from her first marriage with her daughter still living with us.  Now I'm in the process of trying to reestablish myself in a foreign country at the age of fifty.  New church, new family, friends, new culture.  There are issues around education for my son and adjustments for my wife and her family to make.  It's been a long time since I've seen my children in Canada and the impact of it is far greater than I had anticipated.  It's easy to become doubtful and discouraged even though there is so much future potential.

Only you know what you have to face today and in the weeks and months ahead.  Some are having financial pressure, some health issues, some relational strife... and the list goes on.  The pressure of responsibility may be overwhelming and the only way out may seem to be to get out, or to live in discouragement.  But for us who have a relationship with the creator of the universe, the one who is the architect of our world and galaxy, Jesus, we don't have to allow those emotions to rule over us.  Just as Joshua allowed Moses to lay his hand on him and was filled with wisdom and the spirit (Deuteronomy 34:9), we also can allow the hand of the Master to rest on us and  fill us with His Spirit.  Not only that but we are given a clear and direct command to be strong and courageous.  That may mean that we have some tough choices to make, some changes to make, but we are expected to do it.  Joshua had wisdom and it is there for us if only we ask God for it, seek it (read scripture and get godly counsel).

I want you to know as you read this that I have prayed for you already.  You are not alone, God is with you if you ask Him to be and if you are willing to follow Him.  The situation may not change in that the money you need isn't there, or the strife isn't resolved or the health issue remains.  But, you do have your strength and courage, you do have God wherever you go.  Read the verse at the top of the page again.

I want to share more of myself through this blog and share the words of Jesus as revealed in scripture.  I hope that we can develop a relationship of writers and readers through this blog to encourage each other and to glorify the King of Kings, Jesus Christ.  I hope you come back tomorrow and take the time to get to know me and maybe my family.  Ultimately I want you to be encouraged and challenged to read the bible and live in a real and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Peace,   Jeff :)

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